Abstracts submission

Procedure for submitting abstracts


1. To login

In the menu (left side), under the heading "My Space"

If you already have an account on Sciencesconf or HAL, you can directly log in using your settings.

Otherwise, click on "Create Account" and complete the form.


2. To deposite your abstract

In the menu (left side), under the heading "My Space", click on "Submissions".

The window "Submissions > My submissions" is opening.

Click on "Submit an abstract" and follow the procedure:

- Enter the title of your proposal,

- Specify the name of the authors

You appear by default.

You can add other authors by clicking "Add an author" (Complete the form).

- Submit your file (word or pdf)

Under the heading "Abstract", click on "Browse" or "Choose File" (Choisissez un fichier) and then "Upload".

No spplementary data are requested: you don't have to upload file under the heading "Supplementary data". Just click on "Next step".


A window is opening to confirm that your submission has been saved. You will also receive a confirmation email.

Thank you for your contribution.

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